09 October 2007


Has anyone, or will anyone, ever watched that "Better Half" show Bravo has vomited up?

not even for the sake of curiosity will i tune in to that shite. i don't know who the hell the "host" is - susie essman? wtf?
and it looks hetero in the extreme. i don't watch Bravo for the straight-shit. i watch for the fabulosity.

also, the concept of this show is just - really, really uninteresting.
and dumb.

1 comment:

Marius said...

Better Half sounds like a good idea, but, for some reason, I'm just not motivated to watch it. I think Bravo needs to rethink a lot of its new shows. Following people around with a camera just isn't going to cut it anymore. Flipping Out, of course, is an exception to that rule. lol