07 October 2007

mute monday (second attempt)

Mute Monday: BOYCOTT


Vic said...

Fabulous! You thought of a few topics that I totally agree with but didn't include. Happy Mute Monday. Informative post.

Marius said...

I love the images you used. However, I have to admit that I shop at the gap. Well, that will change when I become rich (and possibly famous). I'll have to find a very rich sugar daddy, of course, because we all know that academics don't get paid very much.

Anonymous said...

Great photos! Happy MM!

h said...

Wow. Now that's a varied and perhaps controversial section.

But you need to go to Mute Monday home-base and say "I'm UP" in the comments section if you want people to see it.


BirdMadGirl said...

Oooops... I forgot the evil tobacco companies on mine. Great pics!!!!

Happy MM!!

Zoely said...

Love this...thanks for coming by my site, as well! You've got some interesting posts here, I look forward to wandering thru!!